Thursday, August 9, 2007

Come to Dinner!

“You’re momma won’t have to call you to the table twice”, said the NICU pca as she was feeding a little, or should I say, a chunk of a baby.

Every time I heard her say this phrase, I would just want to cackle out loud…never did though, that would have been frowned upon!! It made me think of my boys too….I don’t have to call them to the table twice either which, to me, is unfortunate.

Why is that unfortunate? Well, because I would love to use this completely cool train horn to call them to dinner. I mean really, folks, wouldn’t that be the coolest thing around…wouldn’t I be the best mom in town?! I know these horns are actually meant for cars, but then it would be a uni-tasker wouldn’t it and that’s not good. So…there…not only would you have a train horn for your car but you’d have unique dinner bell too!!

I’m not even going to go into how I could scare the bee jeebies out of my neighbors….the ones that were ugly to my babies the other day when they were just trying to catch Demon Dog…oh yea….I’ve got ideas people… I've got ideas! Lol!!


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