Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Just Sayin'.....

Brittany should not have refused to wear the corset outfit that MTV wanted her to wear. I mean really, her sequined bikini thingy was not the most flattering outfit...BUT...I would love to be that size! She's had two children....

I think the more tragic things in this whole fiasco was the song, the performance and the horrid dancing! The song itself made me vomit in my mouth and not just because it was trashy...it's just not good! Sigh....oh, Brittany...why?

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Stacey said...

Oh gosh, Jenny, now I have to get hold of video of this--everyone's talking about it and I didn't see it!! xoxo

Allison said...

She looked as if she was taking something... she couldn't even walk in a straight line!