Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Can't. Catch.My.Breath....

And this is why we need two cars people.....I've just found out that Dollar Tree stores have bento boxes and I have no stinkin' car! Ack!! I am so there tomorrow morning...forget about school...forget about feeding my children...forget about washing my hair...well, maybe not that...but forget about everything else...I'm off to get my $1 Bento Boxes!! They do have Hello Kitty on them but who cares??? I can replace that easy enough...just a bit of scratching and the purchase of a neat sticker from our local scrapbooking store and I'm set...oh but wait, here's a guide on how to customize these boxes....

WoooHoooo!! Neat! Neat! Neat!!

1 comment:

Sonya said...

I just don't get Bento boxes. Just don't get it!