Saturday, May 12, 2007

Did You Know That Children Are Bad For The Planet??

I came across this article while out and about the blogosphere....and it is NUTS!!! Here's one of the quotes---

"HAVING large families should be frowned upon as an environmental misdemeanour in the same way as frequent long-haul flights, driving a big car and failing to reuse plastic bags, says a report to be published today by a green think tank."...

Uh....yeah...right...pah...I can't even believe I am linking to these people....

It's all about the earth...poor earth...I'm all for taking care of what God has given us. I'm all for recycling, reusing etc and I'm all for having lots and lots of babies!! In fact, I daily pray for a "baker's dozen"....if these people knew about me, I'd be in big trouble wouldn't I??? lol!

I'm sure we will be hearing more about how large families are ruining everything....humpf...


Karen said...

Joy Behar (sp?) was blabbing about this on The View today. She kept saying people should only adopt after 1 or 2 kids to help save the planet...Rosie who I don't usually agree with, kept giving her a hard time:-)

Becca said...

Something interesting I read is that folks who frown on large families are actually ensuring that their views don't survive into the next generation. Talk about survival of the fittest!