Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Jerry Falwell and a Quote

I think hell's a real place where real people spend a real eternity.
-- Jerry Falwell

Of course, everyone knows by now that Jerry Falwell died yesterday. He was 73 years old. His family will be in my's hard to loose someone no matter what age...

Jerry Falwell has said several things that make me tilt my head and wonder about what he is actually trying to say...and then there are quotes like the one above. I like it and agree with what he has said!! There are people that do not believe in hell and that makes me so sad. I hate to think of them living a life of death (what!?!) in hell...with the worms and all the torment. How incredibly sad...

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shannonfabulous said...

thanks for your comment on my site Jenny! I love your site! It's great to find other Christian women bloggers! You definatley honor God in your posts and I try to honor God in all my photos!

Sonya said...

I agree with all you said and I do remember Jerry making this comment several times. I didn't agree with everything he believed but he was a man who wasn't afraid to take a stand for the Lord and that has to be applauded.