Friday, May 25, 2007

Neti Pot Not!

...or let me say, not just yet!

Mom informed me a few days ago that she was going to buy us all neti pots like she had seen on Oprah. Now, hear my heart, I'm sure neti pots are little miraculous snout cleaner-outers and I'm not here to make fun of these things...I really think they work! I just don't think I can have one in my house and use it without laughing myself sick! lol!! And I'm also not sure that I can remain calm and breathe through my mouth as the water is going into my snout...scary!
I first saw a neti pot on a reality tv show when Gus was in the PICU. I quickly called the Nurse Practitioner into the room to watch this guy use his FIL's neti pot. What!? Ewwww....he actually used his FIL's neti pot because he wanted to "bond" with him and he thought it would make the FIL feel special!

Well, this little bit of interesting tv soon turned into a huge search on the internet....because that's what everyone does in the PICU when all the kids are behaving!! Amber, the nurse practitioner, found a lot of interesting things about neti pots and even a few interesting looking ones too. She did such a good job researching that I had to rename her "Nurse Neti Pot" and that is what she has been ever since.

Nurse Neti Pot was there with us on the day that Gus died. I will never forget her diligence and the love she had not only for Gus but for my whole family. I loved joking around with her...she understood that in the PICU there were times you had to joke and laugh so you wouldn't cry. I miss Nurse Neti Pot. I should send her a letter....

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Melanie said...

I WAS enjoying some chocolate chip cookies until I started reading about the neti pot. Ewwwww- especially the part about sharing one! I guess I should thank you for helping me stay on track with my diet!

Anonymous said...

Eww......I was laughing hard at this . I have never heard of such a device.