Sunday, May 20, 2007

Weekend Reflection

Busy week again...lots of school work and house cleaning...just the same ol' stuff!

  • Pete started school this week. He will be going all day every Tuesday and Thursday. He'll be working on the weekends only. We think this will be easier on the whole family because it will give us family time.

  • Speaking of family time...Pete and I have decided to get rid of the cable tv. We feel this will give us more quality time together. I'm going to miss House and The Tudors but I figure I can rent the full season when they are available.

  • I have been able to work on my WIPs and have made some good progress!'

  • We were visited by a sweet baby bird who, I'm happy to say, has flown away! That or a cat has eaten him...I'm going to go with the first option!

  • Belle continues to enjoy playing with Elijah who is even further "up the hill". He loves her and gets so excited when she comes to play!!

  • I've signed the boys up for Script Frenzy and they both have started working on their story ideas. Script Frenzy is from the NaNoWriMo people. I've decided to skip this event and save all my energy for NaNoWriMo 2007. I had a blast last year and I actually finished a rough draft of a novel!!

  • Belle has had a rough week with injuries. The first one occurred when she was standing on top of the big green garbage can( the one that the garbage men come and get) and it slid out from under her and she fell on her arm. We thought it might have been broken...watched it and decided she was ok, just skinned up. The next injury happened earlier today. Somehow, a piece of chicken wire poked into Belle's ear...they were outside trying to make a chicken wire cage around the jungle gym thingy. She was crying, but she has been doing that a lot lately, so I didn't go running to see what was going on. She came in to me and her ear was bleeding!!! OMG! Freak. me. out...all I could think of was that she had damaged her hearing. I was next to sick but we were able to see where the wire actually went in and it was really just a scratch. She can hear and she has not complained about it hurting so I think she's ok. I'll keep watching her though....Can you imagine what I would have had to tell doctors this week?? "Uh, well, she was standing on the garbage can out front by the road blah, blah, blah" and then later saying something like "Uh, well, you see we have this chicken wire in the back yard and well, it poked her in the ear...." Sheesh....just a smidge embarrassing!

Check out more WR over at Judi's!

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heidi @ ggip said...

I'm glad to hear that the bird seemed to have a good outcome.

Anonymous said...

Uh...Belle needs to be careful! I would have passed out from the ear bleeding. I couldn't take it. I know Pete has to be excited about school! He is such an impressive guy. Pat him on the back for me. I couldn't go to school now for anything! I hope you have a good week!

Linda said...

We have recently got pay TV. I couldn't say no to the sales lady, didn't want to admit we are not avid TV watchers. The thing I find the hardest is the Disney channel, apart from that I have been enjoying it.

Sonya said...

LOL! Don't you ever watch your kids! Or have you been using Belle to smash the trash down?!!! LOL! I want to live with you because cool things always happen at your place!