Wednesday, June 6, 2007

PayPerPost Rocks!

I have really been enjoying my adventures into blog marketing!

At PayPerPost, I have been able to write some reviews and ads for some very interesting items, services and companies. I have been very pleased with the amount of money I have made and the friendly and quick help I have received when I had a question. PayPerPost is certainly a company that I would recommend that you look into if you are interested in blogging for money!


Anonymous said...

Bah! I'm not able to view it. I was thinking about taking this opp but it looks like all the slots are filled. I tagged you for two ways meeting new people and getting some additional PR boost.

and I sent you a trackback for this entry...

Anonymous said...

Yeah I was able to view it. Lots of information about PPP. Great job you two! Isn't DH cute? I love his smile at the end. :-)