Thursday, June 21, 2007

Online Education

I have been working on my Pharmacy Tech Certification through an online course offered at our local university. It has been super easy to do this because I can do it on my own time...which is usually at midnight when the kids are in bed! lol!!

Before I had saved up enough money to take the course, I looked around at other places that offer online education and even online degrees. I found a lot out there but, in all honesty, I'm not sure about these places. I trusted the local university but what about these other schools? Can you really get an online degree from these schools are is just a scam? I would love to hear from others who have actually received online degrees....if this is a valid way then there's hope for me becoming a brilliant genius! lol!!

Really, I want to know.....
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Anonymous said...

Hi there -- I'm a professor doing research for a book about successful strategies for students pursuing online education and would love to get some information from you. Can you email me at, and I'll send you a set of questions? I'd be most appreciative.


Kristin Scott, MFA, A.M.
Columbia College Chicago
Adjunct Faculty, English and Cultural Studies Departments
Chicago, IL 60605

Sonya said...

Just hang out with me more and you'll have all the knowledge you need! LOL!

Anonymous said...

i think about this