Friday, June 22, 2007

Fiction Friday

I found a neat blog last night called Write Stuff. The blog is chocked full of great posts about writing and activities to get the creative juices flowing. I would love to write but I stink at it....the only way I know to change that is by practicing!

I was thrilled to see a Friday Fiction meme and I immediately set out to write my piece. I was told to write about the first thing I thought of when I saw this statement: "Bad news cures all things...". Well, I wrote a pretty good little piece about someone dying...I know, it's morbid but lets think creativity here! lol!! Anyway....I'd love to share it with you but I've been censored by my husband! Can you believe that!! Here I am just trying to hone my writing skills and I get censored....does it really matter that it was about a dearly beloved member of the family???


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