Saturday, June 16, 2007

Share A Square!

Ok gang! Yesterday I was visiting Shelly over at This Eclectic Life and I saw that she is heading up a project to create 140 afghans for Camp Sanguinity which is a camp for kids with cancer.

The pattern Shelly has chosen is quite easy...if you know how to chain and double crochet you can do this! I am going to have a few people over so we can work on these squares together and share all of our yarn scraps. I hope we can put together a huge box for Shelly!!

Once my camera battery is recharged, I'll post my squares that I've made so far. I've been trying to squeeze in my chores between crocheting but it is really's so addicting! lol!!post signature

1 comment:

Sonya said...

Sounds fun! You will have to teach me because my crochet learning has been put on the back burner! LOL! I think this is a great project idea and a sweet gesture of love!