Our son, Gus, who passed away at 16 months, was profoundly and bilaterally deaf. Most insurance companies DO NOT pay for hearing aids…ours was one of those that did not. We were fortunate enough to get help from a local group that flat out paid for Gus’ hearing aids which were $10,000 a pair. A lot of people are not in the same situation that we were and they are having to pay for their child’s hearing aids out of pocket. If that had been our case, Gus would not have had the hearing aids. I think it is very important for any child who has been diagnosed as hard-of-hearing or deaf, to have the equipment he/she needs.
The organization I blogged for this past Saturday is one that advocates for these kids….they too feel that deaf children should have the equipment they need. Seriously, it makes me sad that we even have to have an organization to do this….it should be an automatic thing that we do…take care of our children. I’m simple though…I guess it’s much deeper than that….
Anyway, I know that money is really tight for all of us right now and that’s why I am thrilled that Nessa has set up a way for you all to donate to Blogathon 2008 without spending a dime!! Please head over to her blog and read all the details…it takes less than a minute, won’t cost you a single cent, and she’s giving away prizes!! Woohoo!!
Of course, if you want to donate more you certainly can. All you need to do is click here and then send me an email at pdoriot(at)chartertn(dot) net or leave a comment and tell me the amount you’ve donated. I will post your name…unless you wish to remain anonymous. I only ask you to send me the amount so I can keep track goal-wise!
CURRENT DONATIONS: $155 only $345 more to go!!
Kidd Dynamite
Nessa and Gang in memory of Serena who recently passed away.
Crazy Tanya
Wow, I'm impressed with what you were able to raise!
Good luck with the rest. Later in August I'll be spotlighting your blog and will mention the Donation again!
Ignore the haters minneapolis bodyrubs
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