Monday, June 11, 2007

Protective Eye Gear

Protecting your eyes is very important.

Even though our eyes are very tough, they certainly can be damaged. That’s why it’s important that we protect and take care of them as much as possible. An eye can be replaced for cosmetic reasons, but vision isn’t restored in that eye.

So how do we protect our eyes? Well, we wear glasses where necessary…for example, when we are working in a lab we wear goggles and when we are riding motorcycles we wear glasses designed to keep the air, dirt and road debris off our eyes.

Wiley X has several different styles of protective glasses and sunglasses available. Not only are these glasses for people who ride motorcycles but also for those who are into boating and other high-speed activities. What’s neat about these glasses is that most can be fitted with your prescription! I would certainly need that !!

***This is a sponsored post.***

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